If you are serious about taking charge of your heath, you have to make a choice and Get a LIFE CHANGE because it IS a choice. You have the control; your health is in YOUR hands. You MUST decide to commit yourself to YOU. And YOU have to want to lose weight with all of your heart. You need to be honest with yourself and make an absolute commitment and accept that this IS a lifestyle change for the rest of your life. Why live half alive when you can choose to live 100% fully alive?
Let’s face it, if losing weight was easy, everyone would successfully do it and it wouldn’t be so hard to keep it off. It takes a LOT of effort to lose weight and it takes even more effort to keep it off. And if we’re not really committed to take the steps to achieve our goals, those goals won’t happen for us. We could equate losing weight with hitting it rich; we would like to lose weight the same way that we’d like to get rich, by winning the lottery. We would all do it if it didn’t take too much effort. However, the reality is that it takes too much willpower for many of us to sustain a healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise. Yet we know the only proven long term effective method IS diet and exercise.
The fact is most people who successfully lose weight and keep that weight off, make healthy permanent lifestyle changes that include getting regular exercise, maintaining portion control and managing alternatives to prevent emotional eating. When you choose to live, you choose to make a lifestyle change FOREVER.
It has to be permanent because if you look at your weight-loss efforts as a temporary fix and something that you’re only doing for now, your healthy changes won’t be permanent. However, on contrary of that, if you try to do too much too soon, the changes will only last for a short period of time. The key component is that small gradual changes are what will work and you have to keep things in perspective that little slip-ups don’t matter but long-term changes do.
There are more than six million Canadians who are overweight or obese. It is a well known statistic that over the last 2 decades rates of overweight and obesity have more than doubled for Canadian adults, and nearly tripled among Canadian children. Weight puts SO much stress and strain on our bodies. It wears out our bodies faster and is adds to extra wear and tear on our joints, which leads to arthritis and diabetes. Extra weight and unhealthy eating can bring on the onslaught of heart disease, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, some cancers and gallbladder disease. All of which in turn can lead to people not being able to sustain their health and ending up on medication for life. Taking all of that into account there is also the obvious psychosocial problems, functional limitations and disabilities which are associated with excess weight.
For me, personally; having a health set-back can be a life-altering experience which can lead to some very positive consequences. It can often be the catalyst to wake up anddecide whether you are going to die fat or change your life, make a choice to live and commit to a healthier lifestyle. And with that come the obvious; choosing to live involves actively engaging in some form of fitness and making healthier choices. You can have all the fancy plans and diets you want but the fact is simple that eating less and movingmore will do it every time. You MUST Put Down the Damn Fork & Get Moving!!!!
People are always interested in prevention rather than cure. The cure is in YOU and your choices. Choosing to eat that bucket of KFC today can lead to a lifetime of grief and upset later if life. You have to make a choice to set aside the bad habits of your lifetime and commit to positive change.
It’s about YOU; you have to adapt an empowerment stance about CHOOSING to live and making a lifestyle change rather than having a negative approach about food. It needs to be about healthy choices that YOU make every day. The thought process needs to be about what you SHOULD eat rather than being about what you shouldn’t eat. A whole different mind set comes into play here…
The myth that most diets fail is in essence…backward. What actually happens is that most people fail diets. Just about any sensible diet or weight loss program will help a person lose weight. We often blame the diet for failing, but blaming the diet is similar to blaming an unused bicycle that sits idle in the garage or a treadmill that becomes a clothing wrack. The real solution isn’t in fad diets, fancy pills, gimmicks, gym memberships or diet books; the solution is in the mirror.
Today…Choose To Live!!!
I am a recovering food addict and I have a story to tell...Walking My Way Back To Me is my personal weight loss autobiography. In a very raw and emotional trek down memory lane; I detail my life long battle with obesity and the roads I have travelled in my recovery journey. As I have now lost over 100 pounds -- I have turned my battle with weight into a Motivational Lifestyle change to inspire and help others. Put Down The Fork and Get Moving!!!
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