Monday, 27 June 2011

10 Months.....10 Dress Sizes

This month I hit the big ONE. The milestone I have been "weighting" for, since August 27th, 2010. I FINALLY dipped below the 200s on the weight scale and I'm now back into the 100s. There is a ONE at the beginning of my weight. One may be the loneliest number, but to see that number finally say HELLO after a 13 year absence...I embrace it now as the GREATEST number!!!

A ONE.....A Freaking ONE. Hello 1. Amen & Hallelujah. FINALLY out of the danger zone. Back on the right side of the scales and heading towards the finish line. This month also marks the 10th month of my journey. 10 months ago, I was dying. I was killing myself. I couldn't move. I was eating myself to an early grave. I was a size 26. NOW...I'm bordering on a size 16. I've lost 10 dress sizes. 10 months....10 dress sizes.

After 10 months of sustaining a healthier lifestyle, making saner choices for my future, embracing fitness with a sense of desire rather than urgency and embarking on an avenue of newness that I never dreamed possible; I looked in the mirror and looked straight in my eyes and said a narcissistic "Job Well Done Joan".

I’ve been overwhelmed with these types of questions; “How’d you do it, how’d you lose weight”. “What’s your secret?” “What plan are you on?” And when I tell them the trick of simply putting down my fork and starting to move, they seem shocked at my response. I’m not sure, but it seems as if they either don’t believe me OR they don’t want to admit to themselves that the answer is SO easy. And then my response is shrugged off when I couple it with the fact that I was REALLY sick and their reaction is more, “Oh, you had no choice then, oh well it’s not that way for me:”

I’m not going to lie; restricting my diet does require a lot of will power. My former fat self ate a LOT and I ate non-stop and always ate right up until midnight. I was a binge eater. I rarely ate breakfast, but I started eating at Noon and truly never stopped until Midnight. I snacked and nibbled and ate and gorged. And my body was a direct reflection of that. I was infamous for sitting down at the dinner table, and inhaling my food and then I would get up and walk to the counter to make toast. And an hour later, I’d be munching on chips. I was fat because I ate and I ate LOTS.

Here are my secrets friends…this works for ME; it’s not rocket science…

- Start every day with breakfast. Protein, Carbs, Milk, Fruits/Veggies. Whether it is an Omelet, or regular “normal” bacon and eggs or Rice Krispies/Special K; every day MUST start with breakfast.

- Up Protein, Down Carbs. Easy Math. We NEED Carbs and taking tem out of any fat person’s diet is ridiculous, it’s the cause of the failure of SOOOOOOOOO many diets. But have them in limitation and eat the cabs in the morning and the early part of the afternoon. You need them for energy later so they store up and release over the hours. Runners do this.

- No Greasy drive thru hamburgers or Fish Filets. No KFC. Eliminate all deep fried foods. ELIMINATE. Take them out, gone.

- Stop cooking with oils and use Pam cooking spray or get a non-stick skillet and cook the foods in their own oils and juices. If you have to use oil, use the spray on.

- Broil when you can or invest in a George Foreman grill….better yet….BBQ.

- Limit milk intake. Milk is essential, but I had a gorgefest with Milk and it was one of my nemesis, so I now limit myself to 2 glasses and that includes the milk in my cereal.

- I was a COKE fanatic and it ran through my veins. I had to find an alternative, and I did in Pepsi Max. I also drink Crystal Lite in my water, when in restaurants, I take the individual packets and pop them in….makes me feel like I’m drinking Freshie. MMmmm

- Chicken, Pork…..rediscover TURKEY It’s the new “thing” and there’s something in Turkey that makes you chemically feel like you’ve just inhaled a t-bone steak.

- Veggies…..Fruits….Fruits….Veggies. Learn how to make Fruit Smoothies and fill yourself up on goodness and a wonderful healthy snack. Pop in some Protein Whey powder and you’ve got yourself a LUNCH.

- Find the time to cook at home and stop eating out. It’s cheaper, it’s healthier, it can be a whole fun family affair and you do NOT need to leave a TIP.

- I try NEVER to eat past supper time and given myself that time to have water, tea, or something that I enjoy to break the fast. And on Thursdays, I have my FUNnight when I eat Popcorn while watching Grey’s Anatomy.

- Don’t forget about Wal-Nuts and Sunflower seeds to add Protein and that nice crunch that triggers the mind that you are eating something that may resemble something that used to be yummy. Plus, they add so much flavour to salads.

- No indulging in chocolate, cookies, chips or any of the” good stuff”

- Most importantly….GET MOVING. Exercise or Workout AT LEAST 3 times per week. If you can find time EVERY day to do something physical, do it. The key is to find something that you like.

The sanest choice for ME is walking. I chose walking because it is easy, cathartic, and I am able to hum, sing, and talk to myself while enjoying the crisp night air, which is a tonic for me. It makes me feel better and my body craves it. At first, the routine was a challenge. I started out slow and ended up in sweaty clothes but eventually, the walks became less strenuous and I began pushing for longer distances. Now, I walk at least 45 minutes to an hour, every day. Unless there’s thunder and lightning... I WALK. And NOW…I’m also taking Zumba Aerobics with Kelly and Lauren at the Art In Motion Dance Studio and have recently added Latin Dance Fit to My Schedule.

I didn’t start to be thin, I started to be well. I had done weight-loss programs before with mixed results. This journey has been vastly different simply because I am not focused on losing weight. My desire is to be healthier, thinner, and to get fit. I’ve always placed far too much emphasis on getting to a certain weight and watching the scales closely. This time, I am focuses on getting fit and obviously, weight loss has come with that. For the first 9 months, I never stood on the scales to see what was happening. All I needed to know was that I was eating better and that I was committed to changing my health and wellness schedule and that I was getting out and moving, walking, exercising, doing ANYthing physical. What may have been happening on the scale wasn’t a key component of my journey. It was what was happening to me inside, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

I am only 10 months into my new lifestyle but I have set realistic long-term goals to stay fit and to stay on this pattern. And weight SHOULD stay off, as long as the lifestyle changes I have made remain. And they must go hand in hand. Unlike the unfulfilling weight-loss experiments in the past, this time I am truly focusing and devoting myself to ME.

"Loving the self involves faith and trust and belief in who you are, and a willingness to take action upon it. People who love themselves come across as very loving, generous and kind; they express their self-confidence through humility, forgiveness and inclusiveness." — Sanaya Roman (Living With Joy: Keys to Personal Power and Spiritual Transformation)

Monday, 13 June 2011

Choosing To Live

If you are serious about taking charge of your heath, you have to make a choice and Get a LIFE CHANGE because it IS a choice. You have the control; your health is in YOUR hands. You MUST decide to commit yourself to YOU. And YOU have to want to lose weight with all of your heart. You need to be honest with yourself and make an absolute commitment and accept that this IS a lifestyle change for the rest of your life. Why live half alive when you can choose to live 100% fully alive?

Let’s face it, if losing weight was easy, everyone would successfully do it and it wouldn’t be so hard to keep it off. It takes a LOT of effort to lose weight and it takes even more effort to keep it off. And if we’re not really committed to take the steps to achieve our goals, those goals won’t happen for us. We could equate losing weight with hitting it rich; we would like to lose weight the same way that we’d like to get rich, by winning the lottery. We would all do it if it didn’t take too much effort. However, the reality is that it takes too much willpower for many of us to sustain a healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise. Yet we know the only proven long term effective method IS diet and exercise.

The fact is most people who successfully lose weight and keep that weight off, make healthy permanent lifestyle changes that include getting regular exercise, maintaining portion control and managing alternatives to prevent emotional eating. When you choose to live, you choose to make a lifestyle change FOREVER.

It has to be permanent because if you look at your weight-loss efforts as a temporary fix and something that you’re only doing for now, your healthy changes won’t be permanent. However, on contrary of that, if you try to do too much too soon, the changes will only last for a short period of time. The key component is that small gradual changes are what will work and you have to keep things in perspective that little slip-ups don’t matter but long-term changes do.

There are more than six million Canadians who are overweight or obese. It is a well known statistic that over the last 2 decades rates of overweight and obesity have more than doubled for Canadian adults, and nearly tripled among Canadian children. Weight puts SO much stress and strain on our bodies. It wears out our bodies faster and is adds to extra wear and tear on our joints, which leads to arthritis and diabetes. Extra weight and unhealthy eating can bring on the onslaught of heart disease, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, some cancers and gallbladder disease. All of which in turn can lead to people not being able to sustain their health and ending up on medication for life. Taking all of that into account there is also the obvious psychosocial problems, functional limitations and disabilities which are associated with excess weight.

For me, personally; having a health set-back can be a life-altering experience which can lead to some very positive consequences. It can often be the catalyst to wake up anddecide whether you are going to die fat or change your life, make a choice to live and commit to a healthier lifestyle. And with that come the obvious; choosing to live involves actively engaging in some form of fitness and making healthier choices. You can have all the fancy plans and diets you want but the fact is simple that eating less and movingmore will do it every time. You MUST Put Down the Damn Fork & Get Moving!!!!

People are always interested in prevention rather than cure. The cure is in YOU and your choices. Choosing to eat that bucket of KFC today can lead to a lifetime of grief and upset later if life. You have to make a choice to set aside the bad habits of your lifetime and commit to positive change.
It’s about YOU; you have to adapt an empowerment stance about CHOOSING to live and making a lifestyle change rather than having a negative approach about food. It needs to be about healthy choices that YOU make every day. The thought process needs to be about what you SHOULD eat rather than being about what you shouldn’t eat. A whole different mind set comes into play here…

The myth that most diets fail is in essence…backward. What actually happens is that most people fail diets. Just about any sensible diet or weight loss program will help a person lose weight. We often blame the diet for failing, but blaming the diet is similar to blaming an unused bicycle that sits idle in the garage or a treadmill that becomes a clothing wrack. The real solution isn’t in fad diets, fancy pills, gimmicks, gym memberships or diet books; the solution is in the mirror.

Today…Choose To Live!!!

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Changing FAT into FIT...Choosing To Live

I don’t claim to be ANY sort of expert on fitness or dieting, but I am a card carrying lifelong member and 100% complete aficionado on being fat. If there is one thing I DO know, it’s about fat and how to be fat and how to get fat and how to stay fat. I’ve lived most of my life as a fat person. From being a pudgy child, to a chubby teen, then morphing into a large sized young gal and ultimately a morbidly obese woman; there is no doubt…I’m the fat expert!
However, my new mission in life is to change that. I’m changing FAT into FIT.

My expertise comes from 3 decades of my own personal struggles with obesity & chronic dieting along with a myriad of dangerous weight consequences that have resulted in severe health issues, negative body image and low self-esteem. As a recovering food addict; I have been there, I am still there, but I am winning. My in-the-trenches life experiences with the battle against weight; make me a true expert in guiding others to increased levels of self-care and self-love.

I’ve gone through this journey, so I am better equipped to understand the predicament of others and I can inspire people through our mutual struggles and progress. It is because I have been there that I can use my life as a testament and a huge source of inspiration for those who are where I have been. My role is very important, as I am able to perceive the wellness of others and translate that wellness to them by sharing my story, so that they are able to see and understand that reaching the desired destination is nowattainable.

I have worked very hard to resolve my own weight issues and now I want to share my compelling, compassionate and constructive approach to inspire others to start their own journeys to take charge of their lives and to…WAKE UP & Stop Being A Victim Of Your Own Self.!!!

How many times have you woke up on a Monday morning and said, “Today is the day I’m going to lose weight”. And then by Noon, you are in the drive-thru ordering a milk-shake, fries and a greasy hamburger. How many Tuesdays turn into the day that you wished you had listened to yourself the day before, but you end up defeated and beating yourself up and well, you messed up already and then you convince yourself, “I’ll Start Next Week”. And the same pattern happens over and over again, week after week, month after month, year after year. Pound after pound after pound…What if you changed your thinking and instead of saying, “Today is the day I’m going to lose weight”, that you woke up and said, “Today I choose to live”.

If I can do it, anyone can do it. All you have to do is have the motivation and be told that you can. My journey is not over and I am on a mission to help others start theirs. Imagine where YOU will be a year from now.

Less than one year ago, in August 2010, I was tipping the scales at almost 300 pounds. My health was dangerously catapulting out of control and my self esteem was at an all time low. Both factors were filtering into my professional life. I am an entertainer/event director and also teach music & dramatic arts. I lead a very busy and strenuous lifestyle. Many of my productions involve strenuous activity and long periods of stamina. I was a morbidly obese woman leading the life of a thin person, and it had caught up with me. I had one staggering health issue after another. It was becoming obvious to all of my fellow cast-mates and colleagues that I had given up on my appearance, which was having a direct impact on my performances and a noticeable decline in student attendance. After years of my body expanding and continued bad health; my journey took me to yet ANOTHER doctor’s office in at the beginning of August 2010. I underwent a 2 hour medical test for an inner ear imbalance, due to the fact that on top of pancreas issues, severe acid reflux and vision ailments; I was now experiencing horrific attacks of acute vertigo and continual nausea. During the examination, I had a violent physical reaction that ended up with me being covered in bodily fluids, vomit and fecal excretement. I sat up from the table, in a freaked out state of embarrassment and disorientation and cried, “Joan you didn’t sign up for this”.

Faced with the humiliation of having to leave that medical clinic with remnants of vomit, urine and feces still in and on my clothes and having to call my son to clear the driveway because I needed to quickly run into the bathroom; I looked down at my soiled pants and the stench of puke in my hair and I broke down. I did this to myself, ME; and it was up to me and ONLY me to undo the damage. I decided right then and there that I am no longer going to be a victim of my own self. As my son BJ was screaming at me in desperation, I made a promise to myself, to my son, my family and my friends, that I was going to stop watching them in fear of my health and take control of the most important commodity that God has given me…MY LIFE.

I made a commitment to myself and to everyone that is important to me, that it was time to get really serious about my future. I was sick of being sick. I was fed up living a lonely life and I was ready to get healthy. I am winning in my quest to change my lifestyle, one pound at a time.
This is NOT rocket science; it’s all about re-educating yourself, and it’s all complete common sense. The road to weight loss must be paved with a lifestyle change resulting in a commitment to healthy eating, an activity plan for some form of fitness and ultimately to yourself. Put Down The Fork & Get Moving.

No gimmicks, no fancy pills, no stupid fad diets, no $2000.00 year memberships to weigh in…..YOU have the power to be your own doctor and to change and undo the damage you have done. The ONLY gimmick out there that works FOREVER is YOU!!!

Want a wake up call? Take out the white stuff in the Oreo smear it on as cold cream and tape the black cookies to the sides of your head. OR Next time you reach for that bucket of KFC, empty it out and stick the bucket on your head and flap your arms like a chicken. Sounds stupid? What is more stupid, doing this or eating them?

The 6 best doctors ANYwhere are; Sunshine, Rest, Air, Water, Diet & Exercise. YOU are the best doctor…it’s about YOU YOU YOU.

This journey MUST be about a lifelong commitment to your health. It doesn’t end when you reach your goal. That is just the beginning. The target weight is just a milestone. The goal is to remain eating healthy for the restof our lives. A lot of us carry around emotional baggage and wear it like a mantel – or a spare tire. Once we deal with that emotional baggage and let it go, then it releases us to shed that mantel and get on with our healthier,happier lives.

Imagine where YOU will be a year from now. Look to where I was a year go…when I said, “Today Is the Day I Choose To LIVE!!!”

Put Down The Fork & Get Moving

The best six doctors anywhere and no one can deny it are; Sunshine, Water, Rest, Air, EXERCISE and DIET. 

When it comes to living a long and healthy life, there are two necessary ingredients: diet and fitness. Some folks believe that they are one entity together, but that is simply not true. It is quite possible to have a healthy diet while still having a less than desirable fitness lifestyle. It is equally possible to be very physically fit with deplorable eating habits.

Fitness and healthy Diet is a winning combination. The results of your weight loss and diet will be more gratifying and satisfying if you incorporate and maintain a fitness/diet routine the right way. It’s easy math; dieting reduces the calorie intake and exercise burns the calories in your body.

Yes, it is true that it is possible to shed pounds through diet alone. It makes it far more difficult but it is possible. It is also possible to be physically fit and still be overweight. That old saying, “You are what you eat”, rings true with this sentiment. If we consume a low substance diet of high fat, our bodies are going to lack the fuel (food) that is required within us, to burn the fat. And if we aren’t giving our bodies the tools it needs to build muscle, it won’t matter how much time we spend at a gym.

Obviously when it comes to a weight loss program, the best results are achieved when they work together rather than separately. You use your exercise program to burn the excess calories and you use your diet to provide your body with the nutrients it requires to fuel the body to build muscle. Dieting alone does not build muscle.

This isn’t rocket science it’s common sense. Look at diet and exercise like a “glove” relationship & commitment. Sure, it’s possible to play baseball without a glove, but it works so much better if you have the glove and combine both of them together. If you want fantastic weight loss results, a combination of diet and fitness needs to be maintained and it has to be taken seriously. Neither one works well on it’s own and neither one will work unless you are committed to doing the work and making YOUR health the number one priority in your life.

Set realistic dieting and fitness goals for yourself. You need to be honest with yourself and avoid that all to well-known frustration of having to give up or feeling like you’ve failed simply because you’ve set overly ambitious goals. Set achievable goals, and celebrate every milestone.

Here’s agood example: You want to lose 20 pounds. Set a starting goal of ONLY 5 pounds. Don’t go for 20, shoot for something realistic. Once you’ve reached your 5 pound goal, celebrate. This will enable you to continue being motivated to continue on to the next five. And before you know it, you would have lost those 20 pounds. Take heed to Valerie Bertinelli on Jenny Craig. She set out to lose a “little” bit of weight, and once you got into the routine, she kept aiming for yet another 5 pounds. Now, she’s in a blue bikini.

Do the same with your fitness goals: If you are someone who hasn’t exercised before or haven’t in many years, don’t set unrealistic goals. Start out easy, instead of doing 30 minutes a day, only do 5 minutes. After a few days or a week, try for 10 minutes and work UP to the 30 minutes. Before you know it, you might just work yourself up to a full hour but start out with ONLY 5 minutes a day.
The ideal environment is to give yourself TIME to ease into the healthy lifestyle habits and to feel confident in yourself, that you can succeed. Otherwise, you run the risk of sabotaging your own self. Don’t forget to believe in yourself and celebrate all of your successes, even the small ones. They are all equally as important.

Many experts believe that regular exercise is the single most important thing anyone can do to improve overall health and well-being.

Benefits of Diet AND Exercise
  • – reducing anxiety and stress
  • – improving mood and possibly alleviating depression
  • – helping increase your metabolism
  • – improving sleep
  • – increasing energy levels
  • – slowing the rate of bone loss
  • – enabling the body to use insulin more efficiently
  • – improving cardiovascular health
  • – controlling weight and preventing obesity
  • – increased stamina & metabolism
  • – lower cholesterol levels and building a strong heart
  • – Fighting off Heart Disease, Diabetes, Osteoporosis and Cancer
  • – improved mental vigour with reaction time, acuity and math skills
  • – improved creativity and imagination
  • – effective improvement in depressed individuals
  • – higher levels of self-esteem and self-confidence
  • – increased sex drive and enhanced lifestyle
  • – Again…Fighting OFF Heart Disease, Cancer, Osteoporosis AND Diabetes
The person that cannot find any time for exercise will soon find that they have plenty of time for illness. You can undo years of abuse on your body by making a simple commitment to YOU. You say you don’t have the time?

What fits your busy schedule better; exercising an hour a day or being dead 24 hours a day?

If you don’t take care of yourself, the undertaker will overtake that responsibility for you.