Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Weight Loss Sabotage

Weight Loss Sabotage

So what do you do when you’re faced with negativitytowards your weight loss? There isn’t a dieter out there that hasn’t experienced, Weight Loss Sabotage. It is one of the most common roadblocks that all of us have faced. But what do you do about the Weight Loss Sabotage. How do you deal with the family member or the “friends” that try to undermine your success? The first thing you need to understand is WHY they are sabotaging you.

It all comes down to Cognitive Dissonance; having two conflicting desires. Cognitive dissonance is the mental conflict that people experience when they are presented with evidence that their beliefs or assumptions are wrong. A great example of this is smoking. Everyone knows that smoking can cause lung cancer, and everyone wants to live a long happy and healthy life. Yet, people continue to choose to smoke and justify that choice, regardless of knowing that the risk of smoking affects your health on all levels. The uncomfortable tension caused by these two opposing ideas is known as dissonance.

As humans, we look to get rid of this uncomfortable feeling. The only way to get rid of this uncomfortable feeling is by a) quitting smoking b) denying that people actually get sick from smoking or c) justifying and rationalizing. This is known as dissonance reduction.

For example, a smoker could rationalize their behavior by believing that few people get sick from smoking, that they don’t smoke very much so it won’t happen to them, if smoking doesn’t kill them something else will, they’ll quit someday or the personal gratification that they only live once and they deserve to smoke. They make a conscious choice that they either need to take action or they need to make themselves feel better by rationalizing their smoking.

The same theory obviously, applies to unhealthy lifestyle and eating.

Everyone knows that if you are a person susceptible to weight gain and that if you indulge in certain foods and do not maintain a healthy diet, you will get FAT. And unless you are a complete lunatic, everyone knows that weight gain can lead to many staggering health issues. Yet, people continue to overeat and they need to rationalize their eating. And if you are challenging that rationalization, they are not always going to react favorably to that challenge.

Perhaps those that are spewing negativity see themselves in your former self and resent the fact that you able to change your life, when they have not been able to.

Anyone experiencing weight loss sabotage must also understand that it’s NOT about you, and it’s about them. Their fears have been brought to the forefront. Their unhealthy lifestyles are now in question. Isn’t it obvious that if you have friends that are also overweight, that if you lose weight, it’s going to be as if you are telling them that they’re wrong? People are fearful of change. It should come as no surprise that many people are threatened by change. It will mean their lives may be directly affected. Let’s face it, if it were easy to change, people would do it.

Some folks misunderstand that it is not just about the amount of weight lost and the number of pounds that have been taken off. It’s not just about the transformation of your body; this can lead to a total life transformation which will affect your entire personality, heart and soul. You may become bolder, happier, and more self-confident and excited about life than you have been in a long time. As you lose weight, you often become attractive to more people. It's common to get more attention from the opposite sex. And that may frighten some of your friends and family members who feel you'll leave them behind. If they're insecure, they'll try to put you back in your place. Your friends and family members know where your wounds lie. They know where to apply pressure with their actions and words to hurt you. If you know and are aware of the sabotage, you can face it and stop proving them right.

So how do you change things? You can’t, it’s human behaviour and you can’t fight human behaviour. The best thing to do is stand up for yourself, remain firm and let yourself know and they know that you won’t give in this time. Sadly, this may also mean that may have to put distance between you and your saboteurs, which is not always easy, when dealing with immediate family members. However truly, if they aren’t there to support you in your health; do you really want them in your life anyway? Keep reminding yourself and them, this is about your health, for you to feel better and to remain HERE and to enhance your life; thereby also enhancing theirs by having you around much longer in a healthier and happier body.

One thing should always remain, forever constant. This is about YOUR health and YOUR life. You may not be able to change the people around you, but you CAN change you. If they don't like it, let it be THEIR problem and not yours. If you really want to lose weight, don't let other people use their hurtful behaviour to stop you from achieving your goal. Make a commitment to lose weight. And stick to it. You know what you need to do to succeed.

It’s essential that you surround yourself with supportive people who will be there through thick and thin. Ensuring that you have support and having someone to be accountable to, when embarking on any change makes all of the difference!

Say this to yourself, as I have had to: How can it be negative to have a new strength and love for myself; a new inner self confidence and belief in myself? I have worked way too hard to get where I am. I’m not about to let anyone take away my pride in myself and derail what I have accomplished. I deserve to be happy and I’ve earned every bit of happiness that has and is coming my way; personally, spiritually, professionally and physically. I am my own best friend. I LOVE ME, I LOVE ME, I LOVE ME!!

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