What do you do when those crazy cravings take over all of your senses and you lose all common sense and can no longer fight the temptation to give in?
If you’re overweight or morbidly obese you are a food addict and you have probably battled the bulge for many decades. And if you a person in the trenches, on your way back down; we’ve all faced the demon; the dreaded “craving”. The demon can creep up on you at any time of the day, at awkward events you are attending, alone, at a party, at the gym, watching TV, driving, watching a movie, having sex, sleeping, surfing on the net….ANYwhere and at ANYtime. The demon is not immune to weather, seasons, time of day or geographical placement. He feasts upon your emotions, and your inability to cope with stress, both positive and negative. He takes no prisoners when he attacks and knows your weakest points. You don’t crave Salads and Eggs….no; the demon knows that it’s Lay’s Potato Chips or Cheetos or Doritos or Chocolate Cake….or god forbid, Licorice All Sorts. And he sits there in your brain, on the tip of your lips and he doesn’t leave until he’s infested your thoughts and you can’t get the thought of that O Henry bar out of your head and ultimately in your mouth. And then he chuckles…he won again.
So…how can you fight the demon?
I asked a few friends of mine for their input on this subject and the responses have been quite enlightening.
- When the demon comes calling and you have a craving, do your best to wait 15 minutes, and chances are once that 15 minutes are over, the craving, which is a chemical reaction release and systematic, will be over. During that time, watch a funny video on YouTube or listen to music, take in a chapter of a book, draw, do a crossword, anything to pass the time and take your mind off of the craving itself. Waiting 15 minutes can eliminate the thoughts of the craving. Real cravings stay with you but psychological ones don’t. If you’ve eaten enough and are hydrated, putting off a decision for 15 to 20 minutes will help the craving dissipate. Be your own distraction. If you start doing something else the feeling will usually pass. If you’ve been surfing the web or working on the computer or sitting in front of the TV and you feel the desire to indulge, do something else; changing your mindset might be all you need.
- Eat every 3 hours. Even if it’s something small. One of the biggest culprits for psychological cravings is falling blood sugar levels. If you keep your levels steady, you simply won’t crave the same things. The easiest way to combat cravings is to avoid them in the first place.
- If you want to indulge, sometimes all you need is just a drink, so have a drink of water or something good for you. People never drink enough water. Dehydration can cause the body to get confused and make it feel hungry. A small glass of water several times a day will keep your stomach full and keep you hydrated.
- If you’re thinking about binging…Exercise. If you start to exercise and your cravings aren’t physiological, you’ll feel better right away. However, here’s a true test, if the craving is physical, you won’t be able to enjoy your workout and that’s generally a sure sign that you just need to eat.
- Get angry with the Demon and be stronger than it is and issue it a challenge. “Come on Burger and Fries….Go ahead and take your best shot. I don’t need you, I am better than you and I’m not eating!”
- A simple change of venue to your daily routine can ward off the Demon. So, get all shook up and change what you do, no matter how slightly. The treats are generally in the kitchen, so do what you can to avoid that room. Turn the lights off, move downstairs. Set you house up differently, move your computer around, move your TV around, get up and stretch, drink water do anything different. A simple change can make it easier to make the commitment to following through on tougher ones.
- Make sure that you eat properly; if you are finding that you are snacking, you probably have not eaten properly. If your body still wants something, it’s telling you that nutrition is lacking in your diet. You have to plan your meals and make sure you are eating the proper amounts of vegetables and fruit.
- Does the Demon dangle the taste of salty potatoes chips? If you find yourself at a party and a bowl is placed in front of you, wait until there are only a few chips left and then take one…If you start as soon as the bowl is placed down you’ll continue eating… as long as you can hold off until it’s almost empty you won’t have the opportunity to indulge.
- When craving something sweet, put a stick of gum in your mouth.
- When you are going to a party, make sure you are not starving when you go because you just eat too much and grab everything. Be sure to eat some kind of healthy snack before and then you can stay away from the chips.
- Retrain your brain to think I think “is this healthy” it goes a long way to curbing eating junk.
- Reward yourself with a small treat for being good, anything like a new perfume, a book, a batch of flowers, new shoes, or breakfast in bed on Saturday morning; anything to keep the motivation and momentum going. Give yourself a pat on the back.
- Try to add some healthy treats, which not only taste great and can be labelled as a “treat” but are also high in nutrients and plants substances; apples, cherries, fresh or dried figs, nuts, sunflower seeds, raisins, apricots, peaches, plums, oranges, bananas. Put them into your blender and add with yoghurt, water or milk for a wonderful healthy and deliciously sweet TREAT.
- Remind yourself continually why you are on this weight loss journey to help get your brain back into default mode. Repeat these phrases several times throughout the day, to help boost self-confidence and empowerment; “I am in control”, “I want to be healthy”. “I want to live a long and healthy life”. “I want to look better”. “I am only going to eat foods that are good for my body”. Repeat it when you wake up before you go to bed. Use post it notes around the fridge and on your computer.
- Imagery, always help ward off the demon. Imagine that the donut is the face of an ex-partner or someone who has done you wrong. Try this visualization technique; actually “experience” the food you are craving, remember the taste, the texture, the smell and the look. Keep it there for 10 seconds, let it resonate, taste it in your mind, close your eyes and then let it go…and then while this is absolutely disgusting, but it works every time…..just imagine someone has thrown up all over the food you want to eat.
- When the Demon strikes, the best way to avoid the temptation is to simply do just that….Avoid It. Don’t put yourself into surroundings where the Demon waits. Eliminate him from your daily routines. Change your route to work so you don’t pass the strip of restaurants or the local bakery. The Demon knows your routine, and what your weak points are, don’t let him win!!! After all, the Demon is nothing more than a truly ugly bully. A bully can only succeed if there is a reaction from the target. Avoid The Demon; do not give him the power. Happiness combined with continued Health and Wellness makes the Demon powerless. KFC or the Size 12 Dress…the choice is easy.
“Put Down The Fork & Get Moving”
Joan Minnery ~ THINspiration: http://joanminnery.health.officelive.com