Tuesday, 19 July 2011

What To Do About Cravings – AKAThe Demon!!!

You’re walking down the street, you pass KFC and that infamous aroma hits your nostrils and takes you back to the days when you would sit and eat a bucket of chicken and peel off the skin and send it down your gullet and into your belly and 20 minutes later back out in to the toilet.

What do you do when those crazy cravings take over all of your senses and you lose all common sense and can no longer fight the temptation to give in?

If you’re overweight or morbidly obese you are a food addict and you have probably battled the bulge for many decades. And if you a person in the trenches, on your way back down; we’ve all faced the demon; the dreaded “craving”. The demon can creep up on you at any time of the day, at awkward events you are attending, alone, at a party, at the gym, watching TV, driving, watching a movie, having sex, sleeping, surfing on the net….ANYwhere and at ANYtime. The demon is not immune to weather, seasons, time of day or geographical placement. He feasts upon your emotions, and your inability to cope with stress, both positive and negative. He takes no prisoners when he attacks and knows your weakest points. You don’t crave Salads and Eggs….no; the demon knows that it’s Lay’s Potato Chips or Cheetos or Doritos or Chocolate Cake….or god forbid, Licorice All Sorts. And he sits there in your brain, on the tip of your lips and he doesn’t leave until he’s infested your thoughts and you can’t get the thought of that O Henry bar out of your head and ultimately in your mouth. And then he chuckles…he won again.

So…how can you fight the demon?

I asked a few friends of mine for their input on this subject and the responses have been quite enlightening.
  • When the demon comes calling and you have a craving, do your best to wait 15 minutes, and chances are once that 15 minutes are over, the craving, which is a chemical reaction release and systematic, will be over. During that time, watch a funny video on YouTube or listen to music, take in a chapter of a book, draw, do a crossword, anything to pass the time and take your mind off of the craving itself. Waiting 15 minutes can eliminate the thoughts of the craving. Real cravings stay with you but psychological ones don’t. If you’ve eaten enough and are hydrated, putting off a decision for 15 to 20 minutes will help the craving dissipate. Be your own distraction. If you start doing something else the feeling will usually pass. If you’ve been surfing the web or working on the computer or sitting in front of the TV and you feel the desire to indulge, do something else; changing your mindset might be all you need.
  • Eat every 3 hours. Even if it’s something small. One of the biggest culprits for psychological cravings is falling blood sugar levels. If you keep your levels steady, you simply won’t crave the same things. The easiest way to combat cravings is to avoid them in the first place.
  • If you want to indulge, sometimes all you need is just a drink, so have a drink of water or something good for you. People never drink enough water. Dehydration can cause the body to get confused and make it feel hungry. A small glass of water several times a day will keep your stomach full and keep you hydrated.
  • If you’re thinking about binging…Exercise. If you start to exercise and your cravings aren’t physiological, you’ll feel better right away. However, here’s a true test, if the craving is physical, you won’t be able to enjoy your workout and that’s generally a sure sign that you just need to eat.
  • Get angry with the Demon and be stronger than it is and issue it a challenge. “Come on Burger and Fries….Go ahead and take your best shot. I don’t need you, I am better than you and I’m not eating!”
  • A simple change of venue to your daily routine can ward off the Demon. So, get all shook up and change what you do, no matter how slightly. The treats are generally in the kitchen, so do what you can to avoid that room. Turn the lights off, move downstairs. Set you house up differently, move your computer around, move your TV around, get up and stretch, drink water do anything different. A simple change can make it easier to make the commitment to following through on tougher ones.
  • Make sure that you eat properly; if you are finding that you are snacking, you probably have not eaten properly. If your body still wants something, it’s telling you that nutrition is lacking in your diet. You have to plan your meals and make sure you are eating the proper amounts of vegetables and fruit.
  • Does the Demon dangle the taste of salty potatoes chips? If you find yourself at a party and a bowl is placed in front of you, wait until there are only a few chips left and then take one…If you start as soon as the bowl is placed down you’ll continue eating… as long as you can hold off until it’s almost empty you won’t have the opportunity to indulge.
  • When craving something sweet, put a stick of gum in your mouth.
  • When you are going to a party, make sure you are not starving when you go because you just eat too much and grab everything. Be sure to eat some kind of healthy snack before and then you can stay away from the chips.
  • Retrain your brain to think I think “is this healthy” it goes a long way to curbing eating junk.
  • Reward yourself with a small treat for being good, anything like a new perfume, a book, a batch of flowers, new shoes, or breakfast in bed on Saturday morning; anything to keep the motivation and momentum going. Give yourself a pat on the back.
  • Try to add some healthy treats, which not only taste great and can be labelled as a “treat” but are also high in nutrients and plants substances; apples, cherries, fresh or dried figs, nuts, sunflower seeds, raisins, apricots, peaches, plums, oranges, bananas. Put them into your blender and add with yoghurt, water or milk for a wonderful healthy and deliciously sweet TREAT.
  • Remind yourself continually why you are on this weight loss journey to help get your brain back into default mode. Repeat these phrases several times throughout the day, to help boost self-confidence and empowerment; “I am in control”, “I want to be healthy”. “I want to live a long and healthy life”. “I want to look better”. “I am only going to eat foods that are good for my body”. Repeat it when you wake up before you go to bed. Use post it notes around the fridge and on your computer.
  • Imagery, always help ward off the demon. Imagine that the donut is the face of an ex-partner or someone who has done you wrong. Try this visualization technique; actually “experience” the food you are craving, remember the taste, the texture, the smell and the look. Keep it there for 10 seconds, let it resonate, taste it in your mind, close your eyes and then let it go…and then while this is absolutely disgusting, but it works every time…..just imagine someone has thrown up all over the food you want to eat.
  • When the Demon strikes, the best way to avoid the temptation is to simply do just that….Avoid It. Don’t put yourself into surroundings where the Demon waits. Eliminate him from your daily routines. Change your route to work so you don’t pass the strip of restaurants or the local bakery. The Demon knows your routine, and what your weak points are, don’t let him win!!! After all, the Demon is nothing more than a truly ugly bully. A bully can only succeed if there is a reaction from the target. Avoid The Demon; do not give him the power. Happiness combined with continued Health and Wellness makes the Demon powerless. KFC or the Size 12 Dress…the choice is easy.
“Put Down The Fork & Get Moving”
Joan Minnery ~ THINspiration: http://joanminnery.health.officelive.com

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Keeping Motivated With Exercise

Last week’s blog was dedicated to find ways to keep motivated on your weight loss plan with specific emphasis on diet; this week is going to battle the other issue, keeping motivated with fitness.

If you’re going to be serious about weight loss and maintaining a health and wellness lifestyle; you must be willing to commit to some form of exercise. Whatever you choose to do, get moving; anywhere, anyhow, anyway, but GET moving. Whether you are exercising as part of a diet plan, to get healthier, trimmer or just get back into shape, there’s always going to be many reasons why people choose to exercise. Many people take it very seriously and make permanent or radical changes to their lifestyle and then sadly, there are those that start out, like so many others, with the best of intentions but who give up and tire quickly and lose focus and motivation. When this occurs, it comes off as more of a happen chance type of occurrence or a whim rather than a commitment to change and then obviously to maintain. When and if this happens, what can be done to fix it, to keep you motivated and to stay on course and go the distance?

Here are Eight (8) helpful hints and tips…

1. Variety Is the Spice of Life. Truer words were never spoken, especially about exercise. It’s not all about the gym. Try different things such as: Cycling, Running, Walking, Zumba, Martial Arts, Aerobics, Dance Fit, Canoeing, Swimming, Jump Rope, Trampoline, Weights, Gym Machines…ANYTHING that keeps you moving. Obviously, you need to have a nucleus central point of your exercise, so you can monitor your progress but always try NEW things to keep that spice within your fitness lifestyle. And learning new skills benefits your total system in many other ways. The issue here is WHAT type of exercise works best for you. If you’re not a gym person, you need to find something that YOU like and that you will continue to follow and that you like to do. And if you are gym person, you also have to be very vigilant in the fact that the same old routines have to vary, not just for the enjoyment of the process but also so that your body can retrain itself to have effective results. If you’re on the treadmill every day and NOTHING is happening…there may be a reason; try something else or try the routine at another time of day or with another form of music or even with another pair of shoes. Plateaus happen with all of us,and sometimes just a change of method of exercise can start the body reacting positively.

2. Slow and Steady Wins The Race. Be patient. Your progress will be slow and it needs to be that way. Being too gung-ho can almost be as detrimental as not being motivated at all. Go at it slow and steady, and take your time.Learn how to do the exercises properly and safely, so that you will avoid any injuries and also keep yourself from getting burnt out prematurely.

3. Exercise Is Habit Forming. Make it part of your day. Choose a time that is convenient for you and try to exercise at that same time every day. It should be like putting on a pair of pants, brushing your teeth, eating, and breathing. Exercise needs to become a habit.

4. Goals and Objectives. Set out an agenda for short and long terms goals and try taking things one day at a time. Set out with one small goal for your to do on a day to basis, such as walking every day and then another on a grander long-term goal, such as running. If you have never run before, you can’t just expect your body to go into Donovan Bailey mode and see yourself sprinting around the tracks. Short terms….run one block, then walk for a bit, and then try it again. Next time you are out,, try running 2 blocks and then walking for 2 and when you’re ready, you can make that leap from walking to running. In no time at all, you’ll be jogging down the street, and you’ve met the first objective. In time you will notice yourself progress in terms of strength and stamina. Once you have achieved this first goal, set out on another goal and celebrate and remind yourself continually what you set out to do in the first place. Congratulate and reward yourself for meeting that goal and being consistent and the next time you feel like quitting or lazy, continually build yourself up with the fact that you set out to achieve a goal and you fulfilled it.

5. Fun Fun Fun. If you don’t like the workout you’re doing, it will end up like a chore and you will ultimately stop doing it, so you MUST find something you do enjoy. Never forget the power of support and find friends that you enjoy and will offer return motivation to you to keep on going.

6. Keep it Simple Baby. The best part of exercise is that it gives your brain a break. It’s supposed to provide stress relief and be a time out of your day to not think and to just be. If you can’t do your exercise without a roadmap, or a diagram to follow or basically if you have to THINK about it, it’s too complicated. Find something that you don’t have to think about. If you’re not at a gym or fitness centre, try following a routine on YouTube or pop in a DVD that will guide you and one that you don’t have to think too much about and a routine that you could do alone, if you don’t have it in front of you.

7. Commit To A Lifestyle Change. You must commit to a lifestyle change. It’s not just a catch phrase; it’s a must if you want to be successful and to maintain that success. Quite frankly and abruptly if you’re not willing to make a change, then don’t start until you ARE…as it is the absolute most important aspect in all motivators. You cannot view exercise a momentary fix, as something that you are only going to do temporarily. Do your utmost to never deprive yourself of things that your normally love to do because that is going to lead to resentment and if exercising is keeping you away from your favourite past times or food; then it’s going to become something you hate rather than something you love. Don’t go all gung-ho and like a bull in a China shop. Even exercise should be done in moderation. If you have made a choice to add exercise into your life, don’t completely stop dong things and activities that you normally enjoy doing. You have to understand that making a lifestyle change for the good needs to also include seeing the good in exercising and appreciating the good habits and understanding the bad ones that used to be there, but don’t let the exercise take the place of things you used to enjoy,that will only lead to bitterness and ultimately to failure.

8. Keep A Journal. Keep track of your exercise progress and keep a journal, don’t just rely on your memory. Invest in a pedometer to see how many kilometers you have traveled and how many calories you have burned off, keep a daily chart or spread sheet; much like a diet plan. If you started out doing 20 minutes on the tread mill and 50 jumping jacks and then within 2 months, you’re doing 45 minutes on the treadmill and 200 jumping jacks; you will want to remember this and this way you will tangible evidence of how much you have improved, which will keep you motivated.

All of these are simple reasons for staying motivated with exercise. And don’t forget to look in the mirror to see the subtle changes that are happening to you such as clearer skin, healthier complexion, softer and more manageable hair, and looking younger with livelier eyes, until your metamorphosis is complete and you’ve transformed into a healthier version of yourself. Obviously, the ultimate motivator is YOU.


THINspiration: http://joanminnery.health.officelive.com

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Tips On How To Keep Motivated With Weight Loss

There are going to be many times over a lifetime, that we start to lose weight but we never complete the task. We start and then we ditch. We begin to work out and then we throw in the towel. Sometimes we just have to be honest; perhaps we just aren’t ready. Maybe there’s too much outside pressure, maybe the support system isn’t there. Whatever the reason, it’s very common. But you have to remember, this doesn’t have to mean that you are destined to become another diet failure statistic. You can start and stop 100 times but ONE time, there’s going to come that ONE time, when you don’t have to end up that same stat.

Here are some motivational tips and important skills to adapt to find it a wee bit more palatable to stick to your weight loss. You can’t rely on sheer will alone.

Get A Support System
This is the paramount key component of ANY successful weight loss plan. A healthier lifestyle is easier to achieve when you've got a solid support system. Tell your family, engage your friends, reach out to your social networks such as Facebook or Twitter, but do NOT do it alone. Whether you join TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) or Weight Watchers, or Over-eaters Anonymous or Sparks People on the web; weight loss support groups provide reliability, Stress Relief, Friendship and Effective strategies for losing and maintaining weight. They will bring you a solid foundation with regards to your weight loss problems. The members of these groups are in the trenches with you and are going through the same struggles, so they can actively and openly relate to your own experiences.

Trying to do it all on your own, while is theory is a wonderful and noble idea, the reality of that fact is that everyone needs somebody to pick them up when they fall. Your fellow groups members will be there to listen to you when you are having a bad week and lift you up and praise you with encouragement and cheers when you are having a good one. There is incredible camaraderie in these meeting and the communication and interaction may help you relieve some of the stress associated with weight loss. It's great to know that you are not alone when you are experiencing anxiety or stress brought on by weight problems and this may in turn help you to better cope with them, by sharing your emotions with the members who may in turn, help you to take you burdens off of your shoulders.

There is a lot of determination and hard work with weight loss, joining a group or doing a buddy system or just keeping an online blog, will give you the motivation that you have somebody to answer to every week and they are relying on you too.

Reward Yourself
You MUST get away from that old “reward” system that if you pamper yourself with a chocolate bar or an indulgence meal. Would an alcoholic reward themselves with a beer or a chain smoker with a pack of cigarettes? NO way, so why would a food addict reward themselves with something that could completely derail their efforts. You have to curb your way of thinking and your plans and start rewarding yourself with tangible non-food gift and goals; something that you will look forward to and benefit from in ALL areas, not just your palate. How about a new book, a new dress, a new pair of shoes. A trip to the Zoo, go see that Movie you wanted to see, rent that movie you loved when you were a kid. Take that boat ride down at the Pier, go see a Broadway musical, buy that outfit that you saw in the window.

Be realistic and don’t set your rewards too far into the future. Start out by saying that with every FIVE pounds, you will have some sort of pleasurable experience. Mark this as a goal to a reward yourself at every 5 pound mark, and you will start to combine that with your weight loss. This way that happiness tingle that you get by seeing the scales move, will keep you going to the next reward. And should that buzz wear off…the gifts that you are giving yourself will keep you motivated.

Track Your Progress and Portions
This is one of the key components and ingredients for success based upon the TOPS or Weight Watcher’s Strategies. You can do this from your own computer on a spreadsheet or creating your own diet sheet or food intake sheet to track your daily intake. Weight loss support groups, such as TOPS and WW, will work with you to strategize your diet plans, exercise schedules and establish an effective mind-set with your weight loss program. The right method for you may not necessarily mean it is the right weight loss method for the next person, so a personalized strategy devised by yourself with the assistance of experts may help you a great deal.And keeping an eye on your progress will keep you motivated. But be sure to do this WITH keeping track of your measurements and your daily fitness log as well. And if you can, make sure you log your BMI (Body Mass Index). This simple daily routine will enable you to look back at how far you've come and could be a key component in you being less likely to revert back to old habits. If you keep careful and accurate daily records, you will be able to catch slip-ups in your calorie counting or exercise habits, which if gone unnoticed or unchecked, could result in a weight loss plateau or weight gain.

You must educate yourself and become vigilante in knowing and understanding that record-keeping ALSO includes keeping a close eye on portion sizes. THIS is what many say is the single most important key in maintaining long-term weight management. It’s not rocket science. Obviously, even over-doing portions of healthier foods can mean the difference between long-term weight loss success and eventual failure. One of the best ways to keep on top of what you are eating is in keeping a food diary. If you can go on Facebook or Twitter, you can keep a food diary. Make it part of your plan. “I log in…I log in my journal: Better yet…keep your food diary ON Facebook, you can make yourself accountable.

Combat & Master Emotional Eating
We all have demons. And many of those demons have led to diets failing or diets never being started or the all too well-known YO-YO routine. Once of the main components for any weight loss success, it that you have to be HONEST with yourself and finally come face-to-face with any emotional eating habits. Ask yourself some very important questions. Do you overeat when you’re angry? Do you indulge in that desert when you’re frustrated? Write in your journal and get those feelings out. Stop listening to sad songs when you’re down, and put on some old reruns of the Carol Burnett Show. YOUtube if you need to. But you must be honest with yourself. It’s the only way to get the true measure of your emotional eating triggers. If you don’t face them, you will always find yourself being less likely to be in control of your weight.

Follow Your Progress with Photographs
Invest in a small but reliable digital camera and become your own personal paparazzi. Take before, during and after shots and take MANY of them. Post them online, post them on your fridge, put them into your photo montage on your computer so they come up as your screen saver, but take LOTS. Chart your success with photos. Take funny shots, take ugly shots, take beautiful shots but take many. And upload ANY pictures of you, just a few months PRIOR to the day that you actually started your journey. Don’t go back into old photographs of when you were a cheerleader or the high school jock; that person doesn’t exist anymore. Be recent with your reality. Take those photos and let them be a constant and consistent reminder of your journey to health and wellness. You’ll be happily shocked how just taking a photograph on September 1st and then taking a photograph on October 1st and comparing the two and seeing the subtle yet ego-enhancing changes. Nothing provides more motivation to a person that actual seeing the proof of the hard work they have done.

Beware of “Just This Once” People
ANYone who has dieted has faced the proverbial “friend” that will encourage you to go off your diet "just this once." As innocent as that may be, it’s all fine and dandy and maybe not a problem or a threat "this once" becomes time and time again and an ongoing issue. If every time you see someone, they are encouraging you to fall off the wagon or for being around them caused you to go off the rails at their persuasion; it may mean you need to distance yourself or sit down and have a very serious talk with them about your weight loss survival. They exist, and it’s a common phenomenon with everyone who tries to lose weight, but we have to prepare ourselves for them and fight them head on.

Dieters, in particular successful dieters, are often faced with the very sad reality that peer pressure doesn’t end when you get older. In fact, in many cases, not just with weight loss; it can actually be worse. In particular if you are successful at anything. One thing you have to remember is that sometimes your friends and family may correlate enjoying time with you, with also eating with you and enjoying your company while eating. The best way to combat this is to plan non-eating activities and be in environments where food is not part of the festivities.

And let’s be honest here, if someone is encouraging you to eat, they do NOT have your best interest at heart.

Change You Brain…It’s About Health TOO
Why are YOU losing weight? Is it for appearance sake, or for your health? Sadly, many folks begin diets for the pure fact of looking better and being more attractive. While this is a definite PLUS and a benefit to your self-esteem, we all have to start considering the health factors and benefits that are associated with weight loss and portion management control.

In a recent web poll, 65% of the folks surveyed said they were losing weight for appearance's sake; only 35% said they were doing it for their health. As surprising as this may be, it’s not shocking. However, losing weight should not be about your appearance.

Here are the brutal realities folks; your slimmer self, will eventually become your norm. Those compliments about your weight loss will die down. Once people get used to seeing the new and improved you, those comments will fade, as will the thrill of trying on new clothes. That euphoria you felt the first time you shopped outside of Pennington’s can only last for so long. Remember that you need motivation to stick to your new eating and exercise lifestyle. There will come a time when that motivation will start to dissipate and a quick glance in the mirror won’t bring on the gusto to keep forging head. It’s then that you need to educate yourself on the many health risks of obesity and continually remind yourself that by maintaining a healthier weight, you are more likely to live a longer life with fewer medical problems. You are preparing for your future by undoing the damage you have done to your past and present.

We all know the positive impact that weight loss has on our overall health and wellness and quality of life. You look better, you feel better, you can move better, you can engage in activities that you couldn’t do before; every aspect of your life improves. While it may be wonderful to wear a smaller size and feel like the ultimate icing on a cake; a happier, healthier life is the ultimate reward.

THINspiration: http://joanminnery.health.officelive.com